Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, Kim picks up where she left off in Part 1, with her decision in 1985 to stay in town and go to college at SF State.
She was, as she says, "deeply" into politics. She attended protests at the DNC in 1984, which took place in San Francisco. She felt pressures from the Red Power Movement, and talks about...
Dec 21, 2021
Shuck's parents met on Market Street in the late-1950s
when her dad wrestled an ocelot away from its grips on her
In this podcast, the San Francisco
poet laureate emerita talks about the five generations of San
Franciscans on her mom's side. Her dad joined the Navy partly to
get out of Oklahoma. He was...
Dec 16, 2021
In this episode, David picks up where he left off in Part 1. He had just met Rose, whom he would eventually successfully woo. It was the heyday of roller skating, with thousands of skaters flooding Golden Gate Park on the regular. But there was a large and growing number of naysayers.
Early in his San...
Dec 14, 2021
David G. Miles, Jr., is the godfather of skate in San Francisco.
In this podcast, the founder of the Church of 8 Wheels joins us to share his life story. David came from a multi-ethnic family and grew up in Kansas City. On one side, his grandparents were Irish and Indian, while his dad's family hailed from the South....
Dec 10, 2021
Hear Kitten on the Keys, our guest on the show this week, play tunes on the piano at Royal Cuckoo Market!